Setting a savings goal will really help you prioritise saving and it could be faster
than you think! If you really want that deposit for a home, or save enough for a dream holiday, set
your goal, work out how much you can save each month
and get started.
Step 1 – Name your goal
What do you want to save for ? Once you set your goal you’ll reach it faster. If
you’re new to saving, try starting with a small goal.
Even if you’re just saving for a rainy day, you’re more likely to succeed if you
have a goal amount in mind. Grab a pen and write down your goal.
Step 2 – Work out how much to save each month
It depends on the price of your goal, how much spare cash you have at the end of
each month, and how soon you want to reach your goal.
For example if you were saving for a £400 laptop. You could save £100 a month for
4 months, or £50 a month for 8 months. It’s a balance between what you can afford and how long you
want to save for.
Step 3 – Set up a standing order
Give your account a name that inspires you to save – like ‘UK road trip,’ ‘Steve
and Jackie’s wedding’ or ‘First home’.
Strike while the iron’s hot! Open a straightforward instant access savings
account. It may be easiest to do this with your own bank. Speak to your bank about different types
of savings accounts
Set up a regular payment today to transfer the amount you want to save into your
savings account each month.