You can access free confidential support and advice from the new Employment Rights Hub if you are a Newham resident.

It’s important to take action quickly, as in some circumstances you only have a certain amount of time to act.

If you are having a problem at work, the Employment Rights Hub is here for advice and support to help provide a solution.

What are employment rights?

In the UK there are laws that protect you at work. These laws mean that your employer must treat you fairly. If your employer does not, then they may be breaking the law.

Do I have any employment rights?

Everyone who undertakes paid work in the UK has some employment rights. It does not matter where you come from or what job you do.

Some rights apply to everyone, such as the right not be discriminated against or treated unfairly because you have raised a complaint about either the way you are treated or how the business or company you work in is run.

In other cases, a person’s employment status helps determine their rights and the employer’s responsibilities.

There are three main types of employment status:

1. Employee

If you have a contract and work regular hours you may be an employee.

2. Worker

If you work through an agency or only work when your employer needs you/can choose when to work you may be a worker.

3. Self-employed

If you work for yourself and provide services to others you are likely to be classed as self-employed.

It can be very difficult to work out what your employment status is, but it is really important to know as it will affect what rights you have. We are on hand to help you.

You can find out more about employment status at:

Examples of the support which the Employment Rights Hub can offer

Rights when you lose your job

We can provide support and advice on redundancy pay, unfair dismissal, notice periods and pay.

Working hours and conditions

We can provide guidance about staying safe at work in all aspects, as well as having a healthy work-life balance, including your entitlement to rest breaks, health and safety, the right to request flexible working and working hours.

Taking time off work

We can help ensure that your employer gives you the correct amount of time off; this includes sick leave and pay, holiday pay and time off for emergencies.

Being treated fairly and equally

We can help ensure that you are treated fairly and equally at work, and advise you on how to complain if this is not happening.


We can help ensure that your employer pays you the right amount of money for the work which you do. We can help support and advise on unlawful deductions from your salary; the National Minimum Wage; the London Living Wage and saving for your retirement.

Rights for families and parents

We can help ensure that you are given the right maternity leave and pay, paternity leave and pay, shared parental leave and pay, and adoption leave and pay. you when you or your partner have or adopt a child.

Mental well-being

Struggling with a problem at work can take its toll on your mental health. You can find tools and resources to help your mental health and well-being on Thrive LDN.

Trade unions

Joining a trade union can be a great help towards dealing with a problem at work. You can find the right union for you at https://www.tuc.org.uk/joinunion

Some examples of employment rights advice

Unfair dismissal

“I was dismissed from my job after I reported witnessing my manager committing a criminal offence at work.”

You may have a case for being unfairly dismissed. This is because the law gives protection against being penalised for raising concerns about an employer’s behaviour or whistleblowing.

Disability discrimination

“I have a bad back and need a special chair.”

You may have a case for disability discrimination because the law requires that workplaces take steps to support employees with disabilities, this includes providing physical support such as special chairs.

Pregnancy and maternity discrimination

“I’ve just returned from maternity to be given a different and less well paid job while the person who covered for me while I was away is still doing my job.”

You may have a case for pregnancy and maternity discrimination as an employer cannot give your job to somebody else while you are on maternity leave.

Get in touch

Contact us in confidence:

Tel. 020 3373 6494

Email: employmentrights@newham.gov.uk

We’re open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.

All information given on this page is for guidance only. The Employment Rights Hub does not provide an advocacy service or employment tribunal representation, but we may be able to direct you to where you can find this support if needed. No responsibility can be accepted or liability undertaken by the London Borough of Newham or its employees or agents for any omissions in respect of information contained on this web page. The Employment Rights Hub cannot provide a service for employees of the London Borough of Newham.